Court of Appeals Affirms Significant Annexation in Sultan....Read more
Recent Successes
January 16, 2019
Court of Appeals Affirms Significant Annexation in Sultan....Read more
Kirkland Fire Station 24 Project. In a unanimous decision in favor of the City of Kirkland after vigorous opposition from a national drug store chain, the Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court's adjudication of public use and necessity related to property acquired through eminent domain for use as a new fire station and fire training facility....Read more
Andrew D. Tsoming Joins the Kenyon Disend Team....Read more
Kenyon Disend Leads Cities' Successful Defense of Thurston County's Lawsuit Seeking Payment of Jail Costs....Read more
Kenyon Disend Secures Permanent Injunction Against Chronic Nuisance Establishment in Burien....Read more