Second LUPA Challenge by Same Developer Also Knocked Out by Kenyon Disend....Read more
Recent Successes
April 17, 2017
Second LUPA Challenge by Same Developer Also Knocked Out by Kenyon Disend....Read more
North Bend currently hosts the only large commercial truck stop and service center in King County....Read more
In this case, a commercial property owner appealed the City hearing examiner's denial of a Reasonable Use Exception (RUE) for a parcel almost fully encumbered by a stream and its buffers....Read more
The developer* filed a LUPA case against the City in King County Superior Court, challenging the City's decision regarding a sewer lift station offered by the developer to serve the new proposed plat....Read more
Frontier Communications sued the City, claiming entitlement to a refund with interest of more than $300,000 in local utility taxes....Read more